martes, 22 de junio de 2010

Dødfødt - Forged in Inhuman Pain (2007)

Black Metal/Ambient/Noise

1. Del I 04:49
2. Del II 04:43
3. Del III 04:41
4. Del IV 05:05

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Silentium - Devastation of Silent Sorrow (2007)

Dark/Ambient/Black Metal/Noise

1. Awakening of My Nightmare 18:40
2. Sepulchral Call 07:16
3. Silence 16:20
4. Dethroned to the Nazarene 04:06
5. Black Witchery 12:24

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Silentium - The Wake of my Nightmares (2005)

Dark/Ambient/Black Metal/Noise

1. Awakening of My Nightmare 18:40
2. Sepulchral Call 07:16
3. Silence 16:20
4. Dethroned to the Nazarene 04:06
5. Black Witchery 12:24

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Rajfajh - Pain of Dark Shadow of Insanity: Activity Process 1991-2005 (2005)

Black Metal/Experimental/Noise/Ambient

1. Rvota Nutra (track for live presentation) 03:25
2. Trupniy den 01:16
3. Otsutstvie golovy 01:38
4. Mozg 00:36
5. Batalyony Prosyat Ognya 06:35
6. Psihopatiya Kak Nesimmetrichnyi Marazm 00:10
7. Gipnoz 04:02
8. Dno 04:45
9. Oprokidyvatel 12:05
10. Tehnogen 10:28
11. Kriticheskiy Realizm 09:43
12. Psihodelicheskie Yamy 00:42
13. Schastye Skorbi - Skorbnoe Schastye 06:21
14. To Samoe 02:54

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Orion Belt - Scorpius (2008)

Black Metal/Noise/Ambient

1. A Short Journey Throught Worlds of Madness 03:30
2. Hymn of Madness VI 07:00
3. Jesus Christ Nuked 05:25
4. Graveyard (Tease of Souls) 06:50
5. Virgin Void 15:22
6. Canes Venatici (Part II) 11:00
7. Cavum Atrum 07:04
8. Space Trash 02:48
9. Shaula (Lambda Scorpii) 06:38

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Kolotun - Пир Во Время Чумы (2002)

NS Black Metal/Noise

1. Интро 00:13
2. По ту сторону севера 04:15
3. Родина 04:13
4. Коловрат 03:31
5. Архея 03:57
6. Бог с нами 03:03
7. Вновь 03:56

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Vèrmyapre Kommando - Vermyapre Kommando (1996)

Black Metal

1. Krieg Metal 03:40
2. Sekhell 03:20
3. Juden? 05:17
4. Razoir X Guillotine 03:33
5. Fihveurhr Attack 02:30
6. Blitzcarnage 04:30
7. G.S. Command 04:26

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Masokismi - Häpeällinen Siveysoppi (2004)

Black Metal/Noise

1. Ahneus 01:43
2. Ylpeys 00:21
3. Mässäily 01:15
4. Haureus 00:37
5. Viha 01:02
6. Laiskuus 01:14
7. Kateus 05:08
8. Ulosteorgiat 01:50
9. Pyhän Pojan Raiskaus 01:17
10. Autoeroottinen Pederastia 01:05
11. Vuohisessio 00:56
12. Gomorran Enkelit 02:58
13. Nautinto Kuolleesta Lihasta 00:23
14. Mätää Vittua 00:51
15. Patofili 00:37
16. Masokistinen Nekroyhdyntä 00:35
17. Ragnarök 11:58

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Lonesummer - What We Were (2009)

Raw Black Metal/Noise

1. Lone Tree Hill 03:22
2. Long Winter Way 03:15
3. Making Life Taste a Little Less Sour 03:22
4. The Stars On Our Fingers 02:39
5. What We Were 04:47
6. We All Looked So Perfect 01:24
7. Wissahickon 03:20
8. The Ones Who Grab My Hand, the Lost Souls 03:22

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Susvourtre - Demo 1996 (1996)

Black Metal

1. Piggy Shaved Pussy 03:04
2. Punisher - Deflowered 10:46

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Enbilulugugal - Blasfemia Occidental De Samoan (2001)

Black Metal/Noise

1. Guerra Eterna del Culto del Demonio de Satanic 01:28
2. Intro I 00:17
3. Estructura de las Tormentas del Invierno Concluído los Vientos de Armageddon 01:36
4. Intro II 00:26
5. Rajando la Garganta Unholy de la Cabra 01:13
6. Intro III 00:20
7. Ritual de Satanic de la Sangre y del Vómito 01:48
8. Intro IV 00:22
9. Sacerdote y Monjas de la Matanza Durante Fullmoon 01:10
10. Intro V 00:22
11. Guerra en el Asshole Santo de las Monjas 01:01
12. Intro VI 00:28
13. Mate al Sacerdote Mientras que Sodomiza la Cabra Negra Durante el Ritual de Fullmoon 01:34
14. Intro VII 00:26
15. Sodomice Negra la Cabra 00:30
16. Intro VIII 00:28
17. Dado 01:22

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Enbilulugugal - Satanic Killing of Christ in the Pagan Forest on Fullmoon Night (2000)

Black Metal/Noise

1. Satanic Killing of Christ in the Pagan Forest on Fullmoon Night 02:25
2. Hang the Priests Head on the Unholy Tree While Sodomizing the Black Goat 02:32
3. Black Vomit Drips from the Altar of the Fallen Jehovah 666 02:36
4. Final Hour of Christ 02:30
5. Frostfucked Black Metal Goatsodomy 03:04

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Black Murder - Feasts (1995)

Black Metal

1. Deadsex 05:16
2. Fresh Flesh 03:42
3. The Last Supper 05:13
4. Tower of Tortured Ones 05:17
5. Interlude 01:21
6. Charnel 04:11

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Black Murder - Promo '94 (1994)

Black Metal

1. My Satanic Hatreds 04:25
2. Those Dark Desires That Torment My Soul 04:13

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domingo, 20 de junio de 2010

Misein - Desperation of the Forgotten (2006)

Black Metal/Noise

1. Intro 02:14
2. The Empty Creep 05:21
3. Desolate 05:38
4. The Inhuman Void of Filth I 01:45
5. Stars' Revolt 04:31
6. Path of Life 02:00
7. A Door to the Senseless World Beyond 01:23
8. Waiting for a Sign 00:50
9. The Inhuman Void of Filth II 04:14
10. The Strange Creature on the Hill 03:30
11. Desperation of the Forgotten [ghost track] 02:59

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Lonesummer - Satisfaction Feels Like a Tomb (2010)

Raw Black Metal/Noise

1. Mundane Dreams About Flash Floods 02:16
2. Demerol Smile 02:49
3. I'm Sorry/It's Ok 02:30
4. North Point Misery 02:41
5. We've Lost a Day 02:30
6. Hyalophagia 02:53
7. 9-25 02:52
8. Watch the Walls Instead 03:28
9. Satisfaction Feels Like a Tomb 02:21
10. I Miss You Still, Ma Bête 02:49
11. No More Bonfires 03:08

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Knokkelklang - Eksistens (2005)

Black Metal/Ambient/Noise

1. Hvite Vegger
2. Knokkelklang
3. Eksistens

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Jhesu Masturbator - Promo 2006 (2006)

Black Metal/Noise

1. Jhesu Vulvae Penetrator 03:21
2. Curse Of The Crucifier 00:43

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Hail - Crimson Madrigal (2009)

Experimental Black/Folk Metal/Noise

1. First Blood 03:49
2. I.N.R.I. 09:31
3. Meat Drunk 06:41
4. Dieu 05:46
5. Damn the Sun 04:37
6. Kalevala Rune 10:17
7. Crimson Madrigal 29:56
8. [hidden track] 06:17

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Abruptum - Hextum Galæm Zeloq!!! (1990)

Black Metal/Dark/Ambient/Noise

1. Honores Vultus Mutares Ex Aeris Campi 03:12
2. Aerge Facere Alci 01:27
3. Icendio Fulminis Telis 02:21
4. Calibus Frontem Tumeo Acidus Abcessus 02:24

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Anuus Altaar - Miasmic Worship In Trance (2005)

Black Metal/Noise

1. Mary..Of Worm And Offal 01:15
2. Miasmic Worship In Trance 02:26
3. Ceremonial Sodomy 02:36
4. Impious Masturbator 01:00
5. The Shrouds Of Megiddo 01:17

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Abruptum - Evil Genius (1995)

Black Metal/Dark/Ambient/Noise

1. Honores Vultus Mutares Ex Aeris Campi 03:13
2. Aerge Facere Alci 01:26
3. Icendio Fulminis Telis 02:21
4. Calibus Frontem Tumeo Acidus Abcessus 02:24
5. Corpus In As Trahere Abincere 04:30
6. Vis Semina Dies Hora Dea-Membra Corpora 03:54
7. Feci Factum Sanguine Gladios Made Fieri Factus 02:18
8. Tortus Torquero Colla Tumentes 03:36
9. Turannum Bellux Eventus Alci Exeo Sivium Vitae Carthaginis Integra 01:59
10. Hostes Orco Hostium Legiones Dis Manibus Pacis Ruptores Ultioni 05:42
11. Unimum, Mentem Alcis Juventutem Largitionibus, Hostes Addimicandum, Commotis Exita Sacris Thyias 04:48

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sábado, 19 de junio de 2010

Wold - Working Together For Our Privacy (2010)

Black Metal/Noise

1. The Secret 10:54
2. Death Spiral 12:08
3. Lovey Dovey 12:19

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Decreto K - La Tomba Reclama La Tua Carne (2006)

Black Metal/Noise

1. Fame Eterna E Nevrotico Salasso 02:20
2. Invalida Equazione Gnostica 01:41
3. La Tomba Reclama la Tua Carne 02:57
4. STvR 54 00:42
5. Il Rituale Che Deforma la Tua Immagine 03:49
6. Oggi Sarebbero Vive 04:31
7. Riversa Nella Forca 02:36

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Aäkon Këëtrëh - Dans La Forêt (1996)


1. Untitled 02:54
2. Untitled 04:40
3. Untitled 01:19
4. Untitled 01:53
5. Untitled 01:32
6. Untitled 01:33
7. Untitled 03:16
8. Untitled 04:53

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Brenoritvrezorkre - Vèrmyaprèb (1995)

Black Metal

1. Eápr Govépèrv 01:07
2. Borarp! 04:31
3. Voarmérpébre Uatr Vèrmyapre 04:10
4. Tsaévarya Vèrmyaprèb 02:28
5. Favoapr Uatr Zuflebre Oatr Bouarvtre Blehrurb 03:49
6. Eamkl Uatre Bervétrèmdre... 12:46

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Bèlkètre - Twilight of the Black Holocaust (1994)

Black Metal

1. The Dark Promise 04:12
2. Despair 01:47
3. Twilight of the Black Holocaust 05:19
4. Hatred 00:54

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Dzlvarv - 1996 Demo (1996)

Black Metal

1. I 04:21
2. II 05:40
3. III 05:16
4. IV 05:26
5. V 03:12

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Seviss - ...Et Pleure Le Bâtard (1996)

Black Metal

1. Le Vent de l'Apocalypse 05:23
2. Peste 05:09
3. Armageddon 05:16
4. Seviss 04:03
5. ...Et Pleure le Bâtard 05:09
6. L'Ultime Massacre 03:04

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Vzaeurvbtre - Urvdrem Uatre Uetre (1996)

Black Metal

1. Urvdrem Uatre Uetre 18:37

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Vzaeurvbtre - Halte funèbre et mélancholique au sommet de rochers surplombant l'océan (1996)

Black Metal

1. Halte funèbre et mélancholique au sommet de rochers surplombant l'océan 05:18

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Vzaeurvbtre - Aux Confins De L'errance (1996)

Black Metal

1. Aux Confins De L'errance 17:17

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Satanicum Tenebrae - Seul (1995)

Black Metal/Dark/Ambient

1. Les 13 Voix De La Maison De L'enfer 01:27
2. Seul 03:01
3. Mon Ame Au Diable 04:35
4. Cette Nuit Est Notre Nuit 06:16
5. Le Miroir Et Le Traître 03:21

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Hallow - Hallow Soundtrack (2009)

Black Metal/Noise

Disc 1
1. I 02:39
2. II 02:09
3. III 03:05
4. IV 02:20
5. V 04:23
6. VI 09:25
7. VII 06:51
Disc 2
1. VIII 13:01
2. IX 07:40

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Gnaw Their Tongues - Die Mutter wählt das Todtenkleidchen (2007)

Black Metal/Experimental/Noise

1. Leichenbergen 06:12
2. And the Waters Shall Prevail Upon the Earth 06:36
3. Twenty-Nine Needles 08:00
4. Die Mutter wählt das Todtenkleidchen 09:28

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Flooded Church of Asmodeus - No Parole From Satanic Underground (2009)

Black Metal/Noise

1. Distorted Priesthood
2. Infra Green Ritual XXX
3. The Midnight Bat
4. Baptism by the Six Thousand Terrors of Hell
5. Monastery Disturbance
6. Random Manifestation of Vampirism
7. Feareth the Lord
8. God Forbid
9. No Parole From Satanic Underground
10. The Blood and Thunder Shocker
11. Rule of the Ancient Feeling
12. Atomic Triple Threat
13. Raiding the Necropolitean Catacombs
14. Inverted Nun
15. Uncensored View From the Altar
16. Climax of Obscurity

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Exmortes - Hear The Saw... Coming Near (1990)

Raw Black Metal/Noise

1. Prophecy 04:43
2. Creed Of Eternal 02:21
3. Throne Of Death 05:12
4. Lacerated Sky 02:30

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Exmortes - Fuckin' Nightmare (1989)

Raw Black Metal/Noise

1. Fear For Hate 02:03
2. Boiling Blood 03:12
3. No Sanctuary In Death 03:45
4. Destroyed Land 03:40

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Enbilulugugal / HellVomit - Memento Mori (SplitCD) (2002)

Black Metal/Noise

1. Goat Semen 00:19
2. Nuklear Christ Killer 03:10
3. Filth 00:04
4. The Unholy Blood of Swine 01:31
5. Mass Torment and Repression of One Million Souls 03:07
6. Holokaust 00:04
7. Vile Human Scum 01:47
8. Lord of Lust and Black Blood Armageddon Including Torturous Bludgeon of the Immortal Goatlord 04:51
9. Sadistic Black Rape of the Virgin Daughter of Gutted Bastard Christ 01:10
10. Blasphemous Morbid Hammer of the Maniacal Angel Whipper 00:40
11. Unholy Fucking Bloody Pentagrams Embelish Thy Skull 01:36
12. Dissemination of Black Goatsemen and the Evil Fleshplague of Doomhell 00:36
13. Hail the Nunimpregnating Goatdemon of the Bowels of the Black Fucking Abyss 01:00
14. Slaughter the Whore Demoness of Sodomy and Infernal Hellfire 02:10
15. Vomitations of the Goat Upon the Catholic Throne of the Communist God 00:46

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Enbilulugugal - Black Noise Armageddon: Denying 9 Years of Existence (2010)

Black Metal/Noise

1. Intro 666 01:03
2. Return to Hellrokken GoatSex 02:21
3. Slicing the Blood Clotted Cunt of the Rotting Virgin AngelSlut 04:36
4. Apokalyptic Heathenstorm 02:22
5. NunSucking Necrophiles 01:53
6. MaleficHellsodomification of Demonwhores 02:19
7. Above the Sea of Skkulls 03:25
8. Choking on Filthy Flesh 01:10
9. Asarualimnunna 00:54
10. Blasphemous Summoning of Baphoritual Demons 03:05
11. Hail the Nunimpregnating Goatdemon of the Bowels of the Black Fucking Abyss 01:00
12. Nariluggaldimmerankia 01:06
13. Booze, Sweat and Diarrhea 02:58
14. Thirteen Moons 01:11
15. Abhorre the Living 03:23
16. Vomitous Orgy of Mutilated Catholic School Girls 03:42
17. Bleeding Blakk Tar 01:25
18. RagingDemonPlague From the FesteringPits of Western Samoa 01:35
19. Ritual de Satanic de la Sangre y del Vómito 01:48
20. Intro IV 00:22
21. Sacerdote y Monjas de la Matanza Durante Fullmoon 01:09
22. Acts of Coprophilia Commited Under the Influence of Alcohol 02:19
23. DemonRaping of the Black Shit Covered Nun 02:43
24. Koldgrimm HellMasturbator 01:49
25. UnholyMotherBloodFuckingShed 02:19
26. Apirikubabadazuzukanpa 01:43
27. Vomitations of the Goat Upon the Catholic Throne of the Communist God 00:46

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Abruptum - In Umbra Malitiae Ambulabo, In Aeternum In Triumpho Tenebrarum (1994)

Black Metal/Dark/Ambient/Noise

1. In Umbra Malitiae Ambulabo, In Aeternum In Triumpho Tenebrarum 01:00:10

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Abruptum - Obscuritatem Advoco Amplectére Me (1993)

Black Metal/Dark/Ambient/Noise

1. Part I 25:31
2. Part II 25:28

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Abruptum - De Profundis Mors Vas Cousumet (2000)

Black Metal/Dark/Ambient/Noise

1. De Profundis Mors Vas Cousumet 05:39
2. Dödsapparaten 08:31
3. Massdöd 02:24

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Abruptum - Casus Luciferi (2004)

Black Metal/Dark/Ambient/Noise

1. Casus Luciferi 18:58
2. In Ictu Oculi 09:17
3. Ex Inferno Inferiori 05:38
4. Gehennae Perpetuae Cruciatus 05:27

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Zebulon Kosted / Tomhet - Northern Horizon (2008)

Black Metal/Experimental/Ambient/Noise

Zebulon Kosted
1. In the Shadow of the Templars 18:08
2. Bow Before the Glory of Moloch 10:25
3. Land of Ash 00:37
4. Silent Snowfall 12:51
5. Northern Horizon 04:46

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Zebulon Kosted / All The Cold - Zapolyarie (SplitCD) (2008)

Black Metal/Experimental/Ambient/Noise

All the Cold
1. Last Sun Before Polar Night 04:42
2. Zapolyarie 04:21
3. 1941-1944. Kola North. War 03:10
Zebulon Kosted
4. The Smell of Stone 05:12
5. A Death March... 06:17
6. ...Towards the Wilderness 05:19

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Vegas Martyrs - Choking Doberman (2005)

Black Metal/Noise

1. Memantine/Stranger 03:41
2. The Male Poison 04:11

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Vegas Martyrs - Prostitute At Babylon (2005)

Black Metal/Noise

1. Memantine 10:00
2. Levothroid 10:00

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Vlad Tepes - Into Frosty Madness (1995)

Black Metal

1. Wladimir's March 01:38
2. War Funeral March 04:40
3. Walachian Tyrant 04:12
4. Dans Notre Chûte 00:30
5. Returning to My Old Battlegrounds 02:59
6. From the Celtic Moonfrost 03:17
7. Bestial Lust (Bathory Cover) 02:26

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Vlad Tepes - The Black Legions (1998)

Black Metal

1. Desecrate Jesus Name (Mütiilation cover) 05:57
2. The Dark Promise (Belketre cover) 04:09
3. Under Ardailles Night (Mütiilation cover) 03:56
4. Twilight of the Black Holocaust (Belketre cover) 06:06
5. Transylvania (Mütiilation cover) 06:47
6. Voarmérpébre uatr vèrmyapre (Brenoritvrezorkre cover) 04:06

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